How To Make Quicker and Better Decisions

Many professionals seek to become more efficient decision-makers. Being a good decision-maker is a sought after skill. It can often be the difference between a promotion or a pink slip. In today’s uncertain times this skill lets you stand out on the team with quicker and better decisions. How do you become more accurate and effective at making decisions when it counts?

What is the objective of the mission? 

Know the objective of the decision and know your mission on the team. Ask yourself: “What are we really trying to do here?”

Write it out, brainstorm, and discuss. Is it your role to solve this problem? Do you have the tools needed?

Seek Out Wisdom And Knowledge

Seek out, wise counsel. Really. If you are surrounded by more experienced professionals who have done what you are about to do, ask questions, and inform yourself. Do needed research. Don’t let pride or proving that you have it “all under control” blind you to great resources all around you.

It Does Not Have To Be Perfect

Don’t overthink – just start. Make a plan. An imperfect, real plan. Start doing the work that is deciding and solving. Take note of the effects and response to your action. This way you can adjust if needed.

Adjust Early

Be humble – make the adjustment early if needed. Don’t run the train off the track because you are unwilling to admit that you made a mistake. If your choice was wrong, own up to it in a professional way and make things right to the best of your ability. It’s better to win the fight after a change of tactics than to get knocked out by your ego and pride.

Control What You Can Control

It is important when making decisions to know what you truly have power over. If it’s not your decision to make, stay out of the control room. Also – use this adage to relieve stress. Only focus on what you have the ability to decide on. This means staying focused and being able to take action without becoming overwhelmed by the details.

Decision making does not have to be a tedious and stressful process. With the right attitude, planning, and strategy you can become a faster, more efficient, and competent decision-maker. This is a great tool for the corporate world and for everyday life.

It May Be Time to Shift Your Mindset

If you are experiencing low energy, or are not in good spirits, you may want to consider altering your mindset. When you are down, it can be due to negative thoughts. You start to dwell on everything that is going wrong. You reflect that you aren’t where you thought you would be and it gives you a sinking feeling.

mindsetWhen you start to have negative thoughts, you are setting the stage to beat yourself down. What’s worse is this situation continues to grow. Negativity feeds on itself. When you put yourself down, you will eventually put others down. You will look for others who share your negativity because misery loves company. As the negative energy thrives, you fall deeper into the mental abyss.

To turn this around, you first have to realize that it’s happening. No one likes to admit to doing something wrong, but negative thinking is wrong if you are engaging in it. You have to try and reflect on your life. Think back to when you were happy. Was it a couple of months ago or a couple of years? That will give you a good indication of when you started with negative thinking. When you were happy, it’s unlikely you were thinking negatively.

If you don’t believe you are negative but you feel down about your current situation, consider asking friends and family how you have been behaving recently. Tell them you want an honest assessment. Unfortunately, because you are in a negative mindset, you may lash out at their answers. That will make them upset with you since you told them you want an honest assessment. However, if it helps you to see what you are doing, eventually they will forgive you when you turn the situation around.

Once you have identified that you have a negative mindset, work hard to introduce positivity into your life. Set up a bad thoughts money jar and whenever you say something negative, put money into the jar. You can do this at work, at home, or both. When you see the jar filling up, you know you have more work to do.

Avoid other negative people as much as possible. They will try to bring you back down, and you may even let them do it. Limiting your exposure to these people is a great step to take on your journey towards positivity.

5 Tips for Doing Your Best Work Every Day

project No two workdays are the same, most of the time. There are many days where merely showing up to work seems like that is the best you’ll do. Showing up and doing your best work daily is what will ultimately set you apart and make you feel like a more productive member of the organization.

  1. Set Clear Milestones

You have a project to complete. Instead of working endlessly toward that one end goal, set mini-goals or milestones for yourself. If you can meet a milestone every or every other day, it will be easier to keep your head up and pushing forward with the same vigour as day one.

  1. Prioritize and Plan

Many jobs include prioritizing work tasks. Take time at the beginning and end of every day to look at what you have done and what you need to do. Prioritizing and planning your workday (or the next one) will allow you to move seamlessly through your day without losing focus.

  1. Conquer Difficult Tasks First

That one task you are really dreading, like calling back an annoying salesman. Do it first. Get it off your list. The rest of the day will seem like a breeze, and you won’t use other tasks as a way of procrastinating.

  1. Be Aware of Limitations

Your limitations exist. Everyone has limitations. Be aware and admit these to yourself. You may also need to disclose your shortcomings to your supervisor or a coworker. Being aware of things that are out of your league will make asking for help easier. It will also give you a list of skills you need to work on professionally.

  1. Don’t Stress

The first four tips in this list can be daunting. Numbers 1, 2, and 3 may require that you restructure your workday. Number three might give you heart palpations, and number four, who wants to admit to their own shortcomings? Do not let these tips stress you out. Instead, slowly work to implement the easiest of the suggestions (whichever that may be for you), and level up when you are ready.

Bringing your A-game daily will take time and hard work, two things you are no stranger to. Remember that doing your best work every day of the week will pay off in the long run, even if it seems complicated and scary in the beginning.

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All The Best.


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